Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 3 (GETM3) is an international, interdisciplinary research and innovation project funded by the EU’s Horizon 2020 stream to the tune of 950k euros over four years.
The project focuses on young talents as a key driver of future development. Despite a widely recognized importance of young talent, its potential remains largely untapped. Young talents are educated and entrepreneurial, and yet experience instability in employment. At the same time, employers report skills mismatch and difficulties with attracting, managing and retaining young talent. To tackle this paradoxical situation, an innovative, multi-perspective approach is needed.
The final aim of the project is to improve employability of global talent and talent management practices to support economic development through the cooperation of 3 stakeholders: employers (including MultiNational Corporations & Small-Medium Enterprises), universities and students/graduates. Our Consortium includes 15 partners that form a transnational, inter-disciplinary, inter-generational, gender balanced and inter-sectorial research team.
The project is global as it connects academic and business partners from the Ireland, Poland, Slovenia, United Kingdom, and South Korea. Sandpits are organized quarterly by academic partners across the globe to connect international and domestic researchers, exchange knowledge and ideas, and make progress towards fulfilling GETM3 research objectives.
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