External Collaborators

Julie Doyle
Julie Doyle

Julie is the Director of NetwellCASALA. Her background is in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and digital health technologies, with a focus on designing and evaluating intuitive and useful health and wellbeing technologies for older adults and those who support their care. Julie joined NetwellCASALA in 2011 and since then has led a number of digital health projects in the areas of chronic disease management, falls prevention, rehabilitation and ambient assisted living. Julie is the Principal Investigator on the Horizon 2020 funded project ProACT and the INTERREG VA funded project ECME, which examine how digital technology can support older adults to self-manage multiple chronic conditions and heart conditions at home, respectively.

Smart Self Care for Dementia

Julie is Co-Investigator for Smart Self Care for Dementia 

Damon Berry
Dr. Damon Berry

Damon is a member of academic staff in the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering at TU Dublin. He has been engaged in research in health and smart spaces for the past 25 years. including participation in a series of high profile EU Framework and nationally funded research ehealth projects. Damon is the lead researcher in the tPOT (towards people oriented technology) research group. Alongside his research work, Damon is a member and former chair of the NSAI health information standards committee, which is the Irish mirror-panel for ISO Technical Committtee 215. He has acted in an advisory capacity for HIQA and HSE on ehealth interoperability and has led Irish delegations for ISO TC215 and CENTC251 standardisation working group meetings. Damon is also actively involved in STEM promotion as a founding member of the RoboSlam STEM Collective and a regular contributor to Dublin Maker. He also spent 4 years as a member of the Engineers Ireland STEPS steering committee.

Smart self care for dementia logo

Damon is a researcher for Smart Self Care for Dementia