By creating a sustainable strategic network of major European ICT hubs, the goal of HubLinked was to strengthen Europe’s software innovation capacity by learning from regions of proven ICT strength and sharing that knowledge will all regions. HubLinked has (i) improved the effectiveness University-Industry (U-I) linkages between computer science faculty and different types of companies (ii) developed global software innovator graduates that can work in any sector and (iii) upskilled academic and industry staff to engage in U-I linkages for software innovation.
HubLinked partnership can directly reach over 3,000 companies, 12,000 students and 400 staff during the lifetime of the project. HubLinked will create a network of European ICT professionals that will increase the innovation capacity and competitiveness of European software hubs and help underpin education, research, innovation, trade and economic development for years to come.
HubLinked delivered
The report “A Guide to a Successful Industry-Academia Collaboration”. The report aims at understanding the current state of art of U-I collaborations between CS faculties and industry in Europe and South Korea and share that knowledge in order to improve the effectiveness, quality and quantity of the collaborations
A curriculum framework for industry-oriented, internationalised, innovation-focused and interdisciplinary computer science degrees
Four Global Labs modules. The Global Labs model allows students to turn real-world problems from any sector into “experience-appropriate” prototypes
Work placement and study exchange mobilites
An online professional development for academic and industry staff