
Access2CS is a project at the TU Dublin School of Computer Science. It aims to create a centre of excellence to support and recruit students with different disabilities and abilities.

Transforming Education for All

The project focuses on:

  • Transforming modules.
  • Improving facilities.
  • Changing assessment methods.
  • Enhancing teaching practices.
  • Better communication between learners and staff.

This helps students with disabilities to successfully complete their studies.

Tailored Support and Resources

Access2CS develops:

Training programs

These are specifically designed to support students with different disabilities. This proactive approach ensures the educational environment is welcoming and accessible for everyone.

Continuous Improvement

The project uses an iterative and incremental design process. This means the project:

  • Continuously improves based on feedback and evaluation.
  • Incorporates lessons learned from each cycle

This approach ensures ongoing refinement and adaptation to meet the needs of students with disabilities effectively.

Commitment to Accessibility

Through initiatives like Access2CS and its service “Access2CS – Try Me!”, the TU Dublin School of Computer Science shows a strong commitment to making STEM education accessible to all students. This ensures everyone has the opportunity to succeed in their studies.
