Dr. Edina Hatunic-Webster
Member of the Applied Social Computing Research group
Lecturer in Computer Science, TU Dublin
- Cyber Security, Phising, Human-Oriented Computer Security, Privacy, Security
Dr. Edina Hatunic-Webster is a Lecturer in TU Dublin School of Computer Science since 2004. During the years, she taught, carried out assessments, monitored and evaluated examinations work on various modules. She supervised MSc and undergraduate final year projects. She was actively involved in the academic direction of the School programmes and provided academic leadership in the role of the programme chair of an undergraduate programme.
Prior to joining TU Dublin, Edina worked on EU research projects (COST-11, COST 225, ADVANCE – RACE, PEMMON – ESPRIT). She also worked in the Irish IT sector for 10 years in a range of roles and responsibilities. She gained experience in design and development in emerging technologies; leading development teams; applying quality processes in software industry.
Edina obtained the following qualifications:
PhD Computer Science (2019), Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Thesis title: Modelling Anti-Phishing Authentication Ceremonies
MSc Computer Science (1993), University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland. Thesis title: Design and Implementation of a Security System for a Complaint Handling Management Application
BSc Mathematics with Computer Science (Hons) (1989). University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Hercegovina
Edina’s research interests are in the area of cyber security, phishing, human-oriented computer security, usable privacy and security, user authentication.
E. Hatunic-Webster, Modelling Anti-Phishing Authentication Ceremonies, PhD Thesis, Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, February 2019
- E. Hatunic-Webster, F. Mtenzi, and B. O’Shea, Evaluation of the Model for Analysing Anti-Phishing Authentication Ceremonies. International Journal for Information Security Research (IJISR), 5(1):529-537, 2015.
E. Hatunic-Webster, F. Mtenzi, and B. O’Shea, Model for Analysing Anti-Phishing Authentication Ceremonies, in Proceedings of 9th International Conference for Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST-2014), IEEE, London, UK, December 2014.
E. Hatunic-Webster, F. Mtenzi, and B. O’Shea, Poster: Towards a Model for Analysing Anti-Phishing Authentication Ceremonies, in Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 2013: Newcastle, UK.
Hatunic-Webster, E., Anti-Phishing Models: Main Challenges, International Conference on Internet Technology and Secured Transactions (ICITST 2008), Dublin, 23-28 June, 2008
Hatunić, E., Design and Implementation of a Security System for a Complaint Handling Management Application, M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, February 1993
Hatunic, E., Clissmann, C., Patel, A. (UCD), Hurley, B. and Fitzgerald, A. (Broadcom Ltd.), ‘Provision of Security to a TMN Complaint Handling Application, 6th RACE TMN Conference, Madeira, Spain, September 1992
Muftic, S. and Hatunic, E. CISS: Generalised Security Libraries, IEEE Computers & Security, 11 (1992) 653-659.