Co-creating DEmentia Support for InteGrated care

A Novel platform approach

CODESIGN will develop a platform for persons living with dementia (PLwD) integrating their personalized care planning with wider dementia support and services from the Department of Health and support groups, to allow communication, engagement and shared decision making among PLwD and their formal and informal carers.

Aims & Objectives

The aim of CODESIGN is to bring together a transdisciplinary team to co-design and co-create a new holistic digital platform for integrated dementia self-management support.

The prototype platform will integrate personalized care planning for persons living with dementia (PLwD) with wider dementia support and services from the Department of Health as well as those provided by dementia support groups, to allow communication, engagement and shared decision making among PLwD and their formal and informal carers. The core team of academics will be supplemented with key stakeholders including PLwD and their informal carers, relevant clinicians including dementia nurses, occupational therapists, general practitioners, decision makers from community healthcare organizations and hospital ICT managers.


The project will have a positive impact on people with dementia and their carers in Ireland. People with dementia who use the platform will receive new capabilities to manage their care including accessing a range of integrated supports and services and their involvement in the co-design and co-creation process will allow them to articulate their needs and preferences.

There is increasing recognition that PLwD have many years in which they can live meaningful lives while managing their condition. Improved self-care can extend the period of good quality of life, reduce and/or delay hospital admissions that can be stressful and damaging to health.

Further, as highlighted by Home and Community Care Ireland, there is an acute shortage of home care assistants in Ireland and the amount of time existing providers can spend with individual clients has significantly reduced. This is increasing the pace at which digital solutions are being sought to fill gaps in service provision.



Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda

CODESIGN is funded by the SFI National Challenge Fund