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Understanding internship’s stakeholders through Co-Design

The Understanding internship’s stakeholders through Co-Design session aims at providing a safe space for academics and professionals (from companies, voluntary groups, NGOs, research group, etc.) to network and develop a common understanding of that it takes to be involved in inclusive project-based and transversal skills-oriented internships.

Understanding internship’s stakeholders through Co-Design

Learning Outcomes

  • To learn about the challenges of implementing an internship
  • To be able to identify risk mitigation measures for challenges related to implementing an internship
  • To empathize with the stakeholders involved in implementing an internship
  • To be able to identify the needs and expectations of the stakeholders 


The session is structured as Co-Design activity that takes up to 5 hours including a 30′ break. The length of the session depends on the size of the group and the rate of engagement. All print outs for these activities are available in the Download section.

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1. Step 1 – Introducing the Scenario
Participants are split into groups, at least 3 groups are created (possibly with a balance of academics and industry professionals in each group). Each group is tasked with reading the Incipit of scenario and ensuring, through conversation, each member has a shared understanding of the case.

2. Step 2 – Creating a Persona
The trainer assigns to each group one of the stakeholders presented in the scenario. These are:

  • The project lead of the Quit4Youth team at HSE
  • A student working on the project
  • A lecturer supervising the project

Optional (if more than 3 groups are created):

  • Non-leading members of the Quit4Youth team at HSE – with different roles
  • Students working on the project – from different disciplines
  • Other academics involved in supervising the project

Each group is tasked with creating a Persona for their assigned character and present their work to the class.

3. Step 3 – Develop an Empathy Map

Each group is tasked with developing an Empathy Map for their assigned character and present their work to the class.

4. Step 4 – Co-Design tools

Each group is tasked with reading the Continuation of scenario and ensuring, through conversation, each member has a shared understanding of the situation.

Each group is provided with the deck of Co-Design templates and tasked with choosing at least one template that could be helpful for their assigned character, develop it and present their work to the class.

We run the Co-Design Session as part of our pilot. You can check out the result here!

Download section

Practical Tips
In order to implement the session on-site you will need:
  • Large A2 sheets
  • Many sticky notes (enough for each participant to ha
  • Pens and markers
  • Print outs from
  • Print outs from the download section (at least one per group)
In order to implement the session on-site you will need:
  • To replicate the printouts on a whiteboard software

Who created this?

Fostering innovation

Being an effective mentor for interns

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