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Being an effective mentor for interns

The Being an effective mentor for interns session aims at providing a safe space for academics and professionals (from companies, voluntary groups, NGOs, research group, etc.) to network and develop a common understanding of what it means to be a mentor and how to collaborate to support students in their internships.

Being an effective mentor for interns

Learning Outcomes

  • To learn fundamental notions regarding mentorship
  • To gain understanding of the role and responsibilities of an effective mentor
  • To practice effective communication


The session is structured as a conversation in between participants can take up to 4 hours including a 30′ break. The length of the session depends on the size of the group and the rate of engagement. All print outs for these activities are available in the Download section.

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Initiate an open discussion trying to reach a common definition for:

  • Teamwork and collaboration and
  • Mentorship

The following topics are taught to the participants:

  • What is mentorship?
  • Why is mentorship important in internships?
  • The complexity of a mentorship framework

Support slides can be found in the Download section.

Participants are split into teams of 2 or 3 and asked to:

  • Share a situation in which they acted as a mentor
  • Share a situation in which they felt like mentee

The groups are then asked to find similarities and a differences in their experience and share them with the class.

Split into couples and role play a mentor and a mentee. Use the Mentoring Health Check template to guide the conversation. 

Download section

Understanding internship’s stakeholders through Co-Design


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