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This assessment is designed to assess the following Learning Outcomes for academic participants:

  • To learn about the Global Innovation Teams model as an example of inclusive, client-based, and transversal skills oriented internship, and to gain understanding of the related benefits and challenges in different context
  • To acquire knowledge on what is innovation in an educational context and become familiar with inclusive techniques aimed at fostering innovation
  • To learn about the challenges of implementing an internship, identify related risk mitigation measures
  • To empathize and identify the needs and expectations of stakeholders involved in implementing an internship
  • To learn fundamental notions regarding mentorship and gain understanding of the role and responsibilities of an effective mentor


This assessment is designed to assess the following Learning Outcomes for professionals (from companies, voluntary groups, NGOs, research group, etc.):

  • To learn about the challenges of implementing an internship, identify related risk mitigation measures
  • To empathize and identify the needs and expectations of stakeholders involved in implementing an internship
  • To learn fundamental notions regarding mentorship and gain understanding of the role and responsibilities of an effective mentor


Participants are split into groups with a balance of academics and industry professionals in each group.

Each group is tasked with creating and presenting a fictional implementation of the Global Innovation Teams model involving the institutions of the team members.

Each presentation should contain the following:

Being an effective mentor for interns

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