The impact of technology on developing countries
This brick focuses on the impact of technology on developing countries. The content is delivered through two case studies, one looking at the impact of external technology companies have on a developing country, and the other at the internal conflict technology can cause.
Questions? contact the creators!
This educational unit contains:
- A case study looking at the impact of external technology companies can have on a developing country
- A case study on the internal conflicts technology can cause
Should I teach this?
- Suitable for teaching in Computer Science courses and Other
- Disciplines: Computer Science, Political Sciences
Suggested teaching and assessment approaches
The instructor guide provides some suggested approaches for examination papers, for assessments, for in-class activities, and take-home activities.
Evaluate your Teaching
Don’t forget to evaluate your teaching! Did the students meet the learning objectives? You can ask the class to fill a questionnaire to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. The idea is that you can always improve your lectures and the resources based on the students’ feedback.
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