Ethics4EU develops new curricula, best practices and learning resources for Informatics Ethics for Computer Science and Software Engineering students. It follows a “train the trainer” model for up-skilling Computer Science and Software Engineering lecturers across Europe.
All of the Project’s outputs are available on this website!
European Values for Ethics in Digital Technology
- Research Report
The report contains a number of guidelines (extracted from both literature and sessions with stakeholders) that can be used by teachers and lecturers in Computer Science faculties to create and deliver Digital Ethics related content.
Existing Competencies in the Teaching of Ethics in Computer Science Faculties
- Research Report
The report summarises existing practices and outlines possible approaches for developing the future curricula of ethics in Computer Science programs.
We created a platform where you can search and download open educational resources that will help you teach Computer Ethics in your classes.
The resources are categorised in self-contained instructional units that can be adapted to different learning contexts.
Each educational unit contains downloadable resources that can be taught in class, including case studies, presentations and assessment.
The resources creators also included tips on how to adapt each unit to your teaching, advise on possible teaching and assessment approaches, a list of learning objectives that can be reached by using the resources and references to further reading.
On our platform you can
- Find open access learning resources for teaching Digital Ethics
- Connect, discuss and share experiences with the Community
Instructor Guide
We also created a guide to facilitate lecturers and teachers delivering Computer Ethics content in their modules. The Guide contains:
- An introduction on what are computer ethics, computing ethics, and engineering ethics
- References to useful resources
- And “How to” guide to our educational resources
- Practical resources to teach and evaluate your teaching
Staff Training
We created an accredited training for lecturers in Computer Science faculties! There is an increasing need for the inclusion of ethical aspects in Computer Science courses, which means that teachers need the knowledge, skills and tools to teach them. In this course, accredited by MDU, students explore how to teach the subject, by providing a general overview of ethical technology and teaching theories, followed by an in-depth exploration of specific ethical case studies.