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About the Project

In the aftermath of COVID-19, remote working has become the norm, and graduates now need an even wider range of skills which traditional classrooms and domestic internships don’t always emulate. Working in multiple time-zones, within global multi-cultural teams, and only ever meeting colleagues through online technology are just some of the challenges which require a new type of global graduate. Transversal skills including leadership, collaboration, innovation, digital, green, organisation and communication skills are critical. The disruption from COVID-19 also presents unprecedented opportunities to develop more inclusive approaches to internships and international experiences, to level the playing field for students with special needs, from underrepresented groups or with caring commitments. 

To respond to this needs Global Innovation Teams will:

  • Design a Global Innovation Teams format. Global Innovation Teams will be a structured learning experienced within an international team of students tasked with working on a substantial technology-driven innovation challenge. The GI Teams model will be designed to help learners develop their transversal skills in a multidisciplinary international multicultural context.

  • Implement at least 4 Global Innovation Teams modules in 4 European HEIs.

  • Provide guidelines for HEIs on how to implement Global Innovation Teams in their institution.

  • Accredit a CPD module for teachers and industry mentors focused on how to run a GI Teams module.



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