Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4

Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4


Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management 4 (GETM4) is an international, interdisciplinary research and innovation project funded by the EU’s Horizon, UKRO and the South Korean Education Ministry to the tune of 1.5 million euros over four years.

Our team

About GETM4

We are a community of educators and researchers who have been working with students, graduates and employers to explore how universities can help ensure a better alignment between the expectations of employers and employees by capitalising on the latent entrepreneurial talents seen in graduates across the globe.

We are now looking to expand this work by building a wider network to consider the role of academia in supporting the development of creative confidence with entrepreneurial agency for responsible and respectful innovation in areas such as health and wellbeing, social innovation, environmental sustainability, and digital resilience.

Research areas & work streams

Research areas & work streams

GETM4 revolves around 4 research streams each targeted each at exploring the needs and expectations of different stakeholders.

Additionally, 3 transversal work streams look into  supporting the project on methodology, results integration and impact.

Project Partners

Project Partners

TU Dublin logo
Northumbria University Newcastle logo
University of Ljubljana logo
Dublin City University logo
University of Warsaw logo
Tallin University logo
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje logo
Kyungpook National University logo
Chonnam National University logo
Kenyatta University logo
University of Nairobi logo
Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez logo
Fundacja PoDRUGIE logo
EKO Integrated Services logo
Macedonian Human Resources Association logo
Mediade logo
Sotsiaalsete Ettevõtete Võrgustik logo

Visit YEAP, an initiative of Nairobi University, Kenyatta University and Northumbria University Newcastle aimed at  equipping aspiring entrepreneurs with the skills and mentorship required  to effectively navigate the entrepreneurship landscape.

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