DS Formació's gamified language course

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, DS Formació recognised the need for instructors capable of implementing blended learning. This approach catered to individuals who generally preferred in-person classes but, due to circumstances such as illness, did not wish to miss weeks of classes and were willing to participate online. Every class held its importance, especially for those preparing for upcoming exams, trips, job interviews, and more.


Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, DS Formació recognised the necessity for educators proficient in delivering blended learning. This approach was intended for individuals who generally preferred in-person classes but, due to illness or other reasons, did not want to forgo their classes. Consequently, DS Formació, located in Reus, collaborated with DomSpain between December 2022 and April 2023 to conduct a case study and apply the methods and techniques demonstrated in the BLITT Bridging Course. The case study primarily focused on English classes, a subject area in which DS Formació had specialised since 2008.

People Involved

DS Formació, located in Reus, specialises in review courses and language courses (English, German, French, Italian, and Russian). The lecturers at DS Formació possess qualifications in psychology, primary education, e-learning, early childhood learning difficulties, or philology.

Karolina Bandura, a lecturer with a Bachelor’s degree in English Philology and a Master’s degree in English Studies, led this initiative. While already familiar with various online and blended learning tools before the BLITT Bridging Course at TU Dublin, the course further expanded her knowledge and enhanced her qualifications.

The course group consisted of three students, aged between 10 and 11 years, with the objective of improving their language skills and revising material covered in their regular school classes.

Before the transformation

Previously, some students encountered challenges in consistently attending classes due to illness or transportation difficulties. When the COVID-19 pandemic necessitated
a shift to a virtual learning environment, DS Formació sought to diversify
their offerings to accommodate individuals who found blended or online courses
more convenient. Karolina’s English course was originally designed for
in-person instruction, emphasising participation and team cohesion. Adapting it
to a blended format presented a significant challenge while aiming to retain
the core values of enjoyable and effective learning.

The transformation

Prior to the pandemic, DS Formació had not provided any online courses, as all instruction had traditionally been conducted in a face-to-face format. However, they had to adapt to the new reality imposed by the pandemic.

Blended learning allowed students to choose between attending a class in person or participating online via Zoom. The sessions were organised to ensure that students present on the premises and those online could fully engage. Classes were not recorded, but provisions were made for recording in cases where one or more students were unable to attend.

Before the BLITT Bridging Course, Karolina primarily used a simple PowerPoint
presentation and relied on physical textbooks displayed via Zoom. During the
course, she became acquainted with new tools like Canva and Genially, which she
subsequently incorporated into her classes. These tools enhanced engagement,
improved the presentation of topics, and introduced elements of gamification,
including activities facilitated by Kahoot. The course structure remained
consistent; only the materials used were modified. Although the initial
adaptation of materials required substantial effort, it ultimately resulted in
significant improvements in her digital skills.

After the transformation

Student feedback was overwhelmingly positive, leading to increased student participation and attentiveness. Tools like Padlet improved the classroom atmosphere by enabling students to express their views anonymously, a valuable feature when working with shy individuals. Games created in Genially and quizzes in Kahoot made the classes more interactive and engaging. Karolina plans to maintain the changes and actively seek new online tools to stay updated with emerging technologies that support both online and blended learning.

Technologies Employed

Tools for blended learning included a laptop with a camera, microphone, and an internet connection to facilitate Zoom connectivity.

Quizzes are created by using Kahoot, a game-based tool that facilitates the creation of quizzes for teachers. The winner is chosen not only on the basis of the correct answers but also on the speed of answering the questions. The app is used to create quizzes and revise the knowledge of the students in a fun and interactive way. It also makes it easier for people who attend the class online to be actively involved in it meanwhile their classmates play through their smartphones in class. It works really well because all of the students want to win, so they devote more time at home to studying to be able to win the game during the class when their knowledge is checked.
Padlet is a tool that can be described as an online wall on which people can post their answers and can do so anonymously (yet it depends on the settings that are chosen). The app is used when there is little feedback from the students and when their opinions and views are incentivized. It works well as it gives a basis for a further conversation to be developed.
Blended learning allowed students to choose between attending a class in person or participating online via Zoom. The sessions were organised to ensure that students present on the premises and those online could fully engage. Classes were not recorded, but provisions were made for recording in cases where one or more students were unable to attend. Before the BLITT Bridging Course, Karolina primarily used a simple PowerPoint presentation and relied on physical textbooks displayed via Zoom. During the course, she became acquainted with new tools like Canva and Genially, which she subsequently incorporated into her classes. These tools enhanced engagement, improved the presentation of topics, and introduced elements of gamification, including activities facilitated by Kahoot. The course structure remained consistent; only the materials used were modified. Although the initial adaptation of materials required substantial effort, it ultimately resulted in significant improvements in her digital skills.
Quizlet is a platform that is used for creating flashcards. A Quizlet document, which is a worksheet, with a new set of English vocabulary is prepared by using Quizlet after each class for the group. It works really well because it is too boring for youngsters to simply study from their notebooks.
Powtoon is a platform which is used for the creation of videos. The videos are used to show how certain phrases or words can be used in context. It works really well because such a method is more engaging than just writing a full sentence on the blackboard or in the chat to illustrate the context.


Challenges Faced

Issues related to internet stability and online distractions were encountered. Internet connection problems led to disruptions during class sessions. Younger students (aged 10-11) seemed to get distracted more easily when learning online. Addressing this issue requires a more dynamic and personalised approach to theoretical explanations, such as including students’ names in exercises, to reduce distractions.

The practical application of tools and techniques from the Bridging Course yielded positive outcomes. Students displayed heightened enthusiasm when learning through gamification, and the instructional videos created with Powtoon piqued their interest. Students no longer missed classes due to the convenience of online access. Overall, the experience increased student attendance and participation.

What went well?

Was it worth it?

Despite internet-related challenges, the transition to blended learning was generally considered a success. Karolina aims to be better prepared regarding internet stability for future implementations. She also intends to continually explore and adopt new online tools to keep classes fresh and engaging, thus avoiding repetitiveness.


DS Formació did not incur additional costs for this transition, as they already possessed the necessary equipment, and Karolina utilised free tools for her classes. While initially 9-consuming to adapt to the new tools, it is expected that this investment will yield efficiency in the future.


Blended learning allowed students to attend class even in cases of illness, family trips, or other commitments, preventing them from falling behind. The tools introduced also enabled creative revision of information, improving engagement and digital skills..

DS Formació’s gamified language course​

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