DS Formació’s Mathematics in Motion: Navigating Blended Learning for Effective Remedial Classes”

Thanks to BLITT’s training course, Ds Formació with Domspain realised that some students could be absent more frequently due to long-term illness. Thus, the conclusion was reached that it was necessary to equip teachers with the capacity to conduct blended learning classes when required. In the course of this case study, a detailed examination will be undertaken of the student groups and the tools employed for transformation.


Blended learning (or b-learning) is a term used to describe the integration of face-to-face (classroom) and online learning (incorporating the use of the Internet and digital media), where the learner can control some factors such as location, time, and the pace of their work. Upon the completion of the BLITT course, the staff recognised the need for teachers capable of effectively facilitating this form of learning. This development proved beneficial for learners seeking to study from home or those requiring a flexible schedule.

People Involved

Ds Formació, situated in Reus, specialises in remedial classes for primary school, compulsory secondary education, baccalaureate, higher education, and university levels. It also offers language courses catering to all age groups.

Marta Fernández holds a degree in Primary Education, with a specialisation in Special Education, and has recently accomplished a Master’s degree in Education and e-learning.

The group of students under her instruction comprises four individuals, ranging in age from 6 to 12 years. Two of them attend on Tuesdays, and the other two on Thursdays, each group receiving one and a half hours of mathematics reinforcement lessons.

Before the transformation

Previously, classes were conducted in a face-to-face manner, which was the conventional approach. This method was conducive to building rapport with students, facilitating the smooth running of classes. The employment of manipulative materials was a common practice, particularly beneficial for students with special educational needs. The transition to online classes necessitated adaptation, including the search for virtual alternatives for the materials used in physical classes.

The transformation

Following the onset of the pandemic, Ds Formació introduced changes to its class delivery methods. It became possible for students to enrol in blended learning due to their unique circumstances, which often required remote participation. However, instructors initially grappled with this shift. The BLITT course played a crucial role in equipping teachers with the knowledge to utilise new tools effectively.

Before taking the course, teachers conducted Zoom sessions in which they shared their screens and delivered traditional lectures using PowerPoint presentations. However, during the BLITT course, instructors began to record lessons using Canva and created interactive presentations using Genially. Genially allowed for the incorporation of online activities, such as connecting the dots, filling in the blanks, solving puzzles, and even creating escape rooms.

In essence, the lessons became more adaptable, affording students the choice of attending in person or accessing lessons remotely based on their unique circumstances.

After the transformation

Students exhibited enthusiasm as they found themselves able to interact more extensively with their peers. Class sessions transformed from traditional board work to interactive, home-based learning experiences that felt like ‘play.’ One of the principal tools in use is GeoGebra. With this digital resource, students can independently create geometric figures and perform area calculations. While specific feedback was not outlined, it was observed that the use of online tools enabled students to engage with more abstract concepts, as evidenced by their questions at the conclusion of class.

Technologies Employed

Tools for blended learning included a laptop with a camera, microphone, and an internet connection to facilitate Zoom connectivity.

The primary tool of choice is Genially, which offers a wide array of interactive activities. Typically, a presentation is commenced, culminating in an activity like connecting the dots, followed by the creation of mathematical escape rooms.

Kahoot is also employed occasionally to address queries and identify common student errors, as some individuals may hesitate to ask questions due to shyness.
Khan Academy, an online learning platform offering a diverse selection of math lessons and practice materials at various levels, is another resource frequently used.
Instructors are becoming increasingly acquainted with PowToon, a platform used to create videos. This is seen as a more engaging medium, particularly for younger learners who might respond positively to videos featuring PowToon characters.
GeoGebra, as previously mentioned, is a significant tool employed for geometry and surface area calculations.


Challenges Faced

Some students, due to their prolonged illnesses, faced time constraints, which led to concerns. The intention is to invest further efforts into training and maintaining the commitment to provide the best possible instruction.
One of the most positive outcomes was the students’ response. They exhibited tremendous enthusiasm and expressed a desire to learn how to replicate the experience at home to engage with their peers.

What went well?


As an alternative approach, individual e-learning is considered the most effective option. This entails providing individual classes to students with prolonged illnesses when circumstances permit. Nevertheless, time constraints might make this an unfeasible solution.


Costs can be relatively high in certain cases, particularly when some platforms require payment for access to their premium features.


The results align with expectations and desired outcomes. Thanks to the dedication of both teachers and students, the initiative has been successful, and students have not experienced academic setbacks. Without a doubt, the adoption of blended learning will persist, offering the flexibility required for students to attend classes from diverse locations.

DS Formació’s Mathematics in Motion: Navigating Blended Learning for Effective Remedial Classes”

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